What are the future applications of artificial intelligence?

The future applications of artificial intelligence hold huge promises for a learning revolution with personalized tutors, medical breakthroughs with superpowers in early diagnosis, and smarter cities with optimized traffic and resources. Expect brainy robots as collaborators, scientific leaps from AI analysis, and…

What is Apple’s AI called?

Apple's most well-known AI is actually called Siri, your helpful digital assistant that lives on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and other Apple devices. However, it's important to remember that Apple integrates…

Can GPT-4 write Python code?

Yes, GPT-4 can write Python code, and it has demonstrated impressive abilities in this area. It understands your descriptions and turns them into actual code, helping with tasks like data wrangling…

Are Chatgpt Plugins Safe?

ChatGPT plugins offer benefits but raise safety concerns. They could leak data, contain malware, or misuse info. Stick to official sources, check privacy policies, and be cautious with personal data.…